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How we help

No matter what side of the fence you are on, we are here to ensure the parties rights and obligations are clear from the outset.

As a forestry owner, it can be difficult to understand what opportunities are available to maximise your return on investment. The benefits of stumpage rates versus lump sum cutting rights or managed sale solutions need to be weighed against the risks. We are here to ensure you are not only clear on your options and risks, but to guide you through the process of maximising your return on investment.

As a forestry harvester or marketing/exporter, it is important your agreement with the land or forestry owner affords you the necessary protections you need to realise your expected return. Being clear on liability for roading, transportation, land remediation with both the landowner and local regional councils is a crucial first step.

Unfortunately, Forestry is an industry all too familiar with both statutory and contractual based prosecutions. Our goal is to help parties realise opportunities and manage risk. We act for:

  • Forestry owners;

  • Harvesters;

  • Marketing/Exporters; and

  • Foreign land buyers.

We also understand the regulatory environment in which Forestry operators do business and can assist in understanding the law and dealing with issues arising with regional council’s or National Environmental Standards.

Get in touch by booking a free consultation or emailing our office at